Say witam to learning Polish with GoStudent's expert Polish tutors
(18,122 reviews)
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Izabela N.
Izabela N.
213 lessons · 1 active students
+3 years teaching at GoStudent
Lower level: English, GCSE: English A-level: Design Technology Exam Boards: AQA, Edexecel, OCR Languages: Polish(Fluent) Preferred Student Age Group: Primary/GCSE About me: Im a Marine Biology student who loves to explore, stay active as well as try new things! My dream is to be able to work with sharks in the future as well as help make a change to peoples lives. In my free time, I represent my university playing badminton. Im a university student at the university of Salford Manchester, studying Marine Biology. I studied applied science, design technology and polish for A-levels. I love to travel and explore new places, to one day graduate becoming a shark conservationist.
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How does 1:1 video tutoring work?
Afy Bongongu
I can't say so much about Irfan, except thank you. My daughter grades really improved since she's tutoring by him. She even won an excellent award medal at school. He's patient and she really feel comfortable with him. I even decide to continue with him during the summer vacation in order to.prepare her for the Qc government evaluation for next year. Thanks again
Mr Mario Reicht
Alica, the tutor is amazing. My daughter is only 5.5 years but is engage the full session. Alicia gives us homework and is always reachable. I could not imagine a better tutor. My daughter progresses very well and my friend (who is a teacher, but not Victoria's) state you can see the progresses made
The best teacher I've ever seen.The best teacher I've ever seen.The best teacher I've ever seen.The best teacher I've ever seen.The best teacher I've ever seen.The best teacher I've ever seen.
Amanda Witham
Jack really enjoyed his lesson and wants to continue to receive weekly Maths tuition from Sultan every Thursday at 6pm. He found the lesson really helpful.
By subjects
How affordable is private Polish tuition?
The cost of private Polish tuition can be as low as £21.99. The price of each individual lesson is dependent on how long your child would like tuition support and how many lessons they take per week. The more they learn, the lower the price of each lesson! Why not book a free trial session for you and your child to see how we can help?
What other subjects can GoStudent help with other than Polish?
We can help your child support with private Polish tutoring as well as offering tuition for 40+ subjects. Choose from a whole host of subjects including English, History, Latin. Your child can learn more than one subject with GoStudent. Your child may need support with maths at the moment but as these needs change we can also offer tuition across different subjects.
How can your child benefit from private Polish tuition?
The main reason that parents often start to look for a Polish tutor is to improve their child’s academic performance. It’s needless to say that tutoring will prepare your child for important Polish exams and tests and address specific problem areas that they might have in a particular subject. Your child’s grades and understanding of Polish will improve when working with a tutor, but there are other benefits you might consider when deciding whether to opt for private Polish tutoring. Tutoring encourages self-directed learning. This means that your child will learn to take the initiative in their schoolwork with the result that they will feel less overwhelmed or frustrated with school and more in control of their own learning. They will also learn study skills that will help them in life when it comes to university and beyond. Whether it’s learning to overcome obstacles in their studies, losing the fear of asking questions or even working on their social skills. Sign up for a free trial lesson to discover the benefits of tutoring for yourself.
How can my child benefit from online Polish tuition?
Online tuition is a great option for many families. The GoStudent platform allows Polish tutors and students to connect easily online. The Polish tutors use online whiteboard and interactive lesson plans alongside easy to share materials in order to bring the Polish lessons alive. Book a free trial lesson with GoStudent and find out more about how private online tutoring can work for you.