Learn x2 faster with GoStudent Learning
Fun, interactive materials to support online learning, self-study and revision
1000s of videos, quizzes and exam practice papers
Scientifically proven to help students learn x2 faster
AI-Tutor, Amelia can answer any question on the curriculum
GoStudent Learning complements 1-to-1 tutoring
Interactive, AI-driven content to help with homework, motivate online revision and support self-study
Add GoStudent Learning to your tutoring package
The perfect add-on to any tutoring package, GoStudent Learning costs just £14.90 a month and enables students to revise topics, practice exam questions online and get homework help at any time.

All subjects on the curriculum
Find 1000s of learning materials and content that covers all subjects on the curriculum, for every age group and exam board.
Learning that’s fun
GoStudent Learning uses videos, visual explanations and fun exercises to explain complex topics - making students laugh instead of stressed!
Learning that’s effective
The smart algorithm adapts to each student’s learning ability, recognising which topics need a little extra revision, and tailoring content to boost understanding. If you get a question wrong, we’ll show the content again, in a different format.
Ask Amelia - our AI-Tutor
Amelia is on-hand to answer any curriculum-specific questions. Students can even upload homework images to receive instant help!
But don’t just take our word for it
Why students love learning and revising with GoStudent Learning’s interactive content
"I used GoStudent Learning and found it really helped me. I've always hated using flashcards for revision as I've found them to be really passive, so using GoStudent Learning was far better as the short activities kept me engaged and actively learning."
Parent of student user
"Using GoStudent Learning helped improve my son's grades we were so pleased with the result."
"It gave me a way to revise easily without having to stare at a book. It also was really good as it gave the information needed, then gave a few questions with the answers and [...] is more interactive than the other site that I tried."
Frequently asked questions
Discover the detail and find our how to add GoStudent Learning to your tutoring membership
What is GoStudent Learning?
How much does GoStudent Learning cost?
Is GoStudent Learning included as part of my tutoring membership?
How do I access GoStudent Learning?
Which subjects are available on GoStudent Learning?
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