Get exam ready with GoStudent's A-Level tutors

75% of students studying A-Levels online with a verified GoStudent tutor reported significant grade improvement

Private 50-minute A Levels lessons
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We cover A Levels for all subjects on the curriculum.
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95% of students improve with GoStudent: 1,628 UK/IRE parents and students surveyed March 2023

Our A Levels Tutors

Alexander Ewing
GCSE: Physics, Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry A Level: Physics, Maths, Chemistry Exam board exp: AQA, Edexcel, OCR, WJEC, WJEC EDUQAS Experience with: GCSE, A Level, English schooling system Languages: English Exp with disabilities/special needs: None Preferred student age group: A Level, GCSE About me: I'm a third year Master of Physics student, studying at the University of Southampton. I'm originally from the Lake District. I have over two years tutoring experience with GoStudent and I was involved in peer mentoring for 2 years when I was a GCSE student. I pride myself on delivering interactive, engaging and informative lessons tailored to the needs of my specific students, giving them all the tips and tricks I have learned over my lifetime to maximise their final result. My lessons run at the pace that the particular student learns so they can get the most out of every lesson. I am more than happy to set homework and follow up with detailed feedback for the student if it is desired. My interests outside of my subject include: football, and outdoor adventure sports such as kayaking, hiking and paddle boarding as well as travelling.
Chemistry, Maths (lower level), Maths (upper level), Physics
Sidharth Panicker
Teaches GCSE/A Level: Maths, Computer Science I'm Sid, a budding astrophysicist studying in my second year at the University of Warwick. I really enjoy running experiments in the lab. I also play a lot of chess and run tournaments for the Warwick Chess Society. In my free time, I watch TV Shows and read novels. I enjoy tutoring as its gratifying to see new concepts being grasped!
Computer Science, Maths (lower level), Maths (upper level)
Shalini Kumar
I am a dynamic and accomplished educator with 10+ years of teaching experience, specializing in Computer Technology Engineering. Holding a Master's degree in Computer Science and Engineering, I bring a wealth of practical knowledge and a commitment to imparting quality education. In my recent role as a Guest Faculty at BITS Pilani University's Work Integrated Learning Programs, I have been actively involved in teaching and lecturing working professionals from both academic and industrial backgrounds. My responsibilities include conducting engaging online lectures, providing access to comprehensive learning materials, and implementing various forms of assessments to enhance the learning experience. Prior to this, I served as an Assistant Professor, where I not only developed teaching materials but also communicated subject matter clearly, supported students' studies, and took an active role in setting and assessing coursework and examinations. As a dedicated and result-oriented educator, I have successfully taught a range of subjects, including Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Data Structures, Operating Systems, Problem Solving with C, Software Engineering, Python, Java and more. My commitment to academic excellence is evident through achieving 100% results in various subjects, earning me academic excellence awards. I am passionate about creating a positive and engaging learning environment, and I am excited about the opportunity to bring my wealth of experience and skills to your tutoring experience. Exam Board Exp: AQA/OCR/Edexel/WJEC Experience with: KS1 / KS2 / KS3 / A-level ICT/Python (GSCE/ AS Level/A Level/ University- UG)
Computer Science
Gursimar Kaur
I am currently a first year Economics student at the University of Warwick. I have always enjoyed maths and while A-Level economics was a lot of fun and extremely interesting especially during the pandemic, it is taking some time to enjoy studying the discipline at a university level. When I’m not stuck studying or doing some sort of society work I love to go for a run(on the treadmill though), re read any one of Jane Austen’s book or go for long walks with a friend.
Economics, Maths (lower level), Maths (upper level)
Maia Rayton
Levels and Subjects I Teach -KS1, KS2 English/Literacy -GCSE English Literature and Language Exam Board Experience -AQA -Edexcel Languages -English SEND experience -ADHD -Autism Preferred Student Age Group - Primary/GCSE, preferably ages 6-16 Hi! I'm a Vocal Studies and Performance Student in Manchester. I have an A Level in English and an A Level in Music and am really excited to share my knowledge with new students. I love to sing and have fun with my friends. I have a younger sister and always used to help her with her schoolwork so I have experience assisting the younger ones with their work.
English, Other
Kshiraja Dighe
Levels and subjects I teach: Primary level Mathematics GCSE Level Biology A-level Biology Exam board experience: GCSE Biology- AQA A-level biology- OCR A Languages: I speak English and Marathi fluently. I can also speak Hindi to a certain level SEND experience: I have worked with children who have ADHD, Autism and Dyslexia. However, this has been in person. However, I am sure I will be fine with online learning too. Preferred student age group: Primary for Mathematics Secondary/Sixth-form/College for Biology About me: I am passionate about making subjects like maths and science fun and accessible to all! I study Biomedical Science at Aston University and am hoping to get into the medical research field one day. Apart from academics, I love music, gaming, reading and am a trained Indian Classical and Contemporary dancer!
Biology, Maths (Primary)

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