Press Releases

Vienna , 11 June 2024 New Study Confirms One-to-One Online Tutoring Drives Significant Grade Improvement and Boosts Student Confidence

- Independent study finds three in four students increase their performance by up to three grades with personalised tutoring - 90% of students who improved their grades also reported increased confidence, meaning preparedness for exams - Performance in mathematics showed significant improvements, with 80% improving grades by up to three levels after 12 months of consistent tutoring - **Vienna, Austria, 11.06.24** – A comprehensive and independent study, conducted by [Dr. Tricia Thrasher](, has found that personalised online tutoring results in significant improvements in students' academic performance and self-confidence, with 3 in 4 students increasing in ability by up to three grades. The paper provides robust evidence for the efficacy of sustained, one-to-one, personalised support. Dr. Thrasher, Director of Research at [Immerse](, holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition Teacher Education. She has over a decade of experience conducting empirical research studies on the impact of various technologies on learning outcomes. The study involved 2,616 parents and students from Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and the UK, using data gathered by GoStudent, one of the world's leading tutoring and education platforms. **Personalised Tutoring Drives Academic Success** Dr Thrasher’s research found that three in four students improve by up to three grades with personalised online support. These findings are consistent across all ages, school levels and countries. It is widely understood that children learn best when taught in a way that best suits them. Yet, in crowded classrooms teachers are not armed with the tools needed to tailor the curriculum to every child's specific needs. The study demonstrates the significant potential for personalised tutoring to substantially increase academic achievement. Mathematics, a subject that challenges students worldwide, showed particularly impressive improvements. 80% of students who received maths tutoring for 12 months improved by up to three grades, demonstrating the subject's potential for dramatic progress with consistent, personalised support. This offers a sign of hope amidst a global decline in maths proficiency. The most recent [PISA study]( showed that average mathematics scores across OECD countries have fallen by a record 15 points since 2018. **Confidence is the Key to Success: 90% of students who increase their confidence improve their grades** Confidence is more than just a feeling, it’s a critical component of academic success. An impressive 90% of students who increase their confidence improve their grades. Within the context of education, one in two students defined confidence as feeling prepared for exams and assessments. This sense of preparedness is exactly what personalised tutoring provides. When students feel confident they are more likely to actively engage, ask questions, and tackle challenging subjects. This in turn leads to enhanced performance, essentially creating an upward cycle of better grades driving more self-confidence. The study also sheds light on how confidence varies by age. **Primary school children experienced the highest boost in confidence, with a staggering 82% reporting increased confidence after 1:1 tutoring lessons.** Fostering confidence at a young age sets a strong foundation for long-term academic success and ignites a child's passion for learning. It is also known that confidence contributes to emotional well-being. The [2024 GoStudent Future of Education Report]( found that three in four parents believe that a child’s emotional well-being is closely tied to their academic performance. Dr. Tricia Thrasher explains: *“As a researcher in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, I am deeply interested in the intersection of personalised educational support and student outcomes. This collaboration with GoStudent provided a unique opportunity to analyse a diverse and extensive dataset, allowing me to explore the nuanced impacts of one-to-one tutoring. I was especially curious to find that 90% of students who reported increased confidence also saw improvements in their grades. This significant relationship signals that personalised tutoring not only enhances academic performance but also plays a critical role in boosting student confidence, which is crucial for a student’s long-term success.”* Felix Ohswald, CEO and Co-Founder of GoStudent, adds: *“Dr. Thrasher’s study provides robust evidence of what we have long believed: personalised learning, when sustained and approached as a partnership, significantly enhances student confidence and academic performance. That more than three in four students experienced a substantial boost in confidence through personalised tutoring is a powerful testament to the impact of one-to-one educational support. By offering regular, personalised tutoring, we help students gain the confidence needed to thrive academically and unlock their full potential”.* The study confirmed that tutoring partnerships are more valuable when sustained over a period of time. Students who participated in more than 36 lessons saw a dramatic 79% improvement in their academic performance (at an average of two grade levels), compared to 44% for those who took less than 10 lessons. The full study is available for download [HERE]( **Ends** **Research Methodology** An online questionnaire surveying changes in students’ grades and confidence was distributed to eligible GoStudent users living in Austria, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom. Eligibility for participation required students to have engaged with the platform for a minimum of three months and attended at least six one-to-one tutoring sessions, one of these being within the past 30 days. This survey was distributed via email and GoStudent’s Dashboard over three weeks from March 19, 2024, until April 10, 2024. Responses from 2,616 students and parents were included in the analysis. **About Dr. Tricia Thrasher** Dr. Thrasher, Director of Research at Immerse, holds a PhD in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition Teacher Education. She has over a decade of experience conducting empirical research studies on the impact of various technologies on learning outcomes. Dr. Thrasher has received numerous grants and awards for her research, including the 2023 CALICO Journal Article of the Year Award and the ACTFL Award for Doctoral Dissertation Research in World Language Education. She frequently presents her research at national and international conferences and publishes in peer-reviewed journals. **About GoStudent** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €675m from investors including Prosus, Left Lane Capital and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering over the past two years with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Across its portfolio, GoStudent supports more than 11 million families each month. Learn more here:

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Vienna , 22 April 2024 GoStudent Launches GoStudent Learning - Marking A Huge Step Towards Its Vision of an AI Powered Classroom

**GoStudent Launches GoStudent Learning - Marking A Huge Step Towards Its Vision of an AI Powered Classroom** *Features within GoStudent Learning include AI study assistant, Amelia, trained on local curriculum, and an advanced algorithm that tailors educational content to learning style* **Vienna, Austria: 22nd April 2024 -** GoStudent, one of the world’s leading tutoring and education platforms, has announced the launch of GoStudent Learning - its AI-powered learning platform. Proven to be twice as effective as traditional learning methods*, GoStudent Learning empowers students to take control of their education, granting them 24/7 access to Amelia, GoStudent’s curriculum-trained AI tutor, as well as engaging quizzes and content that adapts in real-time to their level and need. GoStudent Learning is the latest AI-powered release from GoStudent, marking significant progress towards the company’s goal of creating an AI-powered classroom that empowers tutors and maximises learning outcomes for students. In August 2023 [GoStudent raised $95M]( to bolster its hybrid and AI offering. GoStudent’s first step towards the AI-powered classroom came shortly after, with the launch of an AI lesson planner, enabling tutors to create tailored lesson plans in a matter of seconds. The company also introduced AI lesson transcripts and an AI Assist feature. With the AI-enabled classroom taking care of admin, tutors are able to focus fully on fostering human connections with their students - something AI cannot replace. **Around the clock classroom with AI tutor Amelia** [The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024]( found that more than 1 in 2 students want to learn with AI. GoStudent’s AI tutor, Amelia, answers this cry for innovation, offering students a fun, interactive and tech-driven way to learn. Understanding the importance of the human connection, access to Amelia is only possible when a student is also taking in-person lessons with a GoStudent tutor. There to support in the windows between tutoring sessions, Amelia offers around-the-clock access to revision materials, detailed explanations, and homework assistance. Trained on carefully selected learning courses, Amelia can process and respond to complex queries and scan homework for instant feedback, guiding students with precision. This continuous support system is designed to enhance confidence and reduce the stress associated with challenging learning tasks. **Adaptive online learning for the digital native** GoStudent Learning’s smart algorithm personalises the learning experience by analysing individual performance and habits, dynamically adjusting content in real time to match the challenge needed for each student. This adjustment ensures that quizzes and practice questions are always at the right level. The platform draws on cognitive neuroscience principles, including retrieval practice, interleaving, and spacing. This approach not only deepens understanding but also enhances the retention of information, directly contributing to the doubling of learning efficiency. GoStudent plans to continue harnessing AI to build up its AI Classroom further. Felix Ohswald, CEO and Co-Founder of GoStudent, comments: "*AI is a crucial tool for bolstering the impact of human tutors and empowering students to learn in the way that best suits them. We are transitioning from providing an online classroom to an AI powered classroom, harnessing technology that helps tutors drive more impact and students unlock their full potential.*” In the first instance, it appears this approach is working. A secondary school student who tried GoStudent Learning ahead of its European launch comments: "*I used GoStudent Learning and found it really helped me. I've always hated using flashcards for revision as I've found them to be really passive, so using GoStudent Learning was far better as the short activities kept me engaged and actively learning.*" GoStudent Learning is available as an add-on to GoStudent tutoring memberships for new and existing customers in UK, DACH, ES, IT and FR, with pricing set at €12.9 to €14.9 per month. To experience the positive impact of self-guided study between tutoring sessions, GoStudent offers new and existing customers a 30-day free trial of GoStudent Learning. **Discover more about GoStudent Learning [here](** **About GoStudent** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €675m from investors including Prosus, Left Lane Capital and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering over the past two years with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Across its portfolio, GoStudent supports more than 11 million families each month. Learn more here: []( *[](

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London, UK , 05 March 2024 GoStudent Future of Education Report Unveils Urgent Need for Mental Health Focus in UK Schools, With Families Calling For a More Holistic Curriculum

85% of UK parents believe education in mindfulness and emotional wellbeing would help their child manage stress and emotions, with 9 in 10 teachers believing access to mental health support would better-prepare students for the future. **London, UK - March 5, 2024** - As we grapple with an increasingly complex world, a call for greater focus on child mental health resonates across the UK. The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024, released today, amplifies the collective voice of 5,581 parents and their children, and 60 teachers across six European countries. Most pressingly, the findings highlight a resounding call for emotional support within schools. Almost 9 in 10 (85%) UK parents believe the inclusion of mindfulness and wellbeing activities in school curricula would help their children manage stress and emotions. The research also reveals that parents in the UK are deeply concerned about the pressure their children feel to succeed. Across Europe, 3 in 4 parents believe that children’s emotional wellbeing is closely tied to their academic performance, with this number rocketing to 82% in the UK, underscoring the need for UK schools to address mental wellbeing within the curriculum. And children see this need too. When asked what they’d like to see added to the curriculum, children in the UK cited wellness and mental health support among the top 5 topics they’d like taught at school. While shocking, these findings are not isolated. Last year, a review of 52 studies[1] highlighted that there is a clear connection between academic pressure and mental health issues. Knowing this, it is not surprising that GoStudent found that 9 out of 10 teachers agreed when asked what would make their students feel more prepared for the future: “More access to mental health providers and mental health guidance”. **Education must be practical and tangible: reshaping the curriculum to the needs of now** In addition to incorporating mental wellbeing into the curriculum, parents, children and teachers are united in the need for a more holistic approach to learning. 85% of parents and 9 in 10 teachers surveyed see bridging classroom learning with real-world experiences as essential to ensuring children are set up for success. When asked what they’d like their child to learn, parents place ‘problem solving’ as the most important skill their child needs to be future-ready, followed by ‘emotional intelligence’ and ‘resilience’. And 91% of UK parents believe the curriculum should include both academic subjects and extracurricular activities - including volunteering, sports clubs and music lessons. When asked what they themselves want to learn to be ready for the future, children express a strong desire to study practical subjects that can be applied to their day-to-day life. They cite ‘tech development’; ‘life skills’; ‘finance’; ‘wellness and mental health’; and ‘AI’ as the top five subjects they want to learn. Should we see the curriculum evolve in this way it is likely that children will feel far more confident about their prospects. As it stands, a staggering 69% of children in the UK express the desire for more guidance in choosing their future path. In response to these findings, GoStudent’s CEO and Co-Founder, Felix Ohswald, calls for a paradigm shift in education: *“It is abundantly clear that we need to prioritise the development of students' wellbeing and equip them with the skills necessary for success. This includes integrating mental health education into curricula, but also empowering educators to provide holistic learning experiences with a practical focus, tailored to each child's individual needs."* *“The onus here is not on teachers - it is on all of us. According to recent figures from UNESCO, Europe needs around 4.8 million more teachers to ensure every child receives a quality education. We need to look to governments, explore public-private partnerships, and better-support the education industry to drive this change. We all have a mutual goal - empowering and supporting our students - and we must act now.”* Speaking on what would make them feel more prepared for the future, children cite more personalised classes, as well as teachers being able to adapt to their specific needs. Teachers agree, saying that, in an ideal world, teaching should be done in a more personalised manner, customising learning plans
for each student’s strengths, needs, skills, and interests. [Download The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024 here]( -Ends- **Methodology:** In collaboration with Edelman Data & Intelligence, GoStudent conducted its study among 5,581 parents or guardians, and 5,581 children aged 10 to 16 at the time of the survey in 6 European countries: Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom, between October 20 and November 13, 2023. Around 1,000 parents/legal guardians and 1,000 children were interviewed in each country, ensuring a representative sample by age, gender and region. To provide a more holistic view, GoStudent also conducted 10-minute online interviews with 60 teachers across the same countries: Austria (n=10), Germany (n=9), France (n=11), Spain (n=10), Italy (n=11), and the United Kingdom (n=9). These interviews took place between November 20 and November 29, 2023. **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €675m from investors including Prosus, Left Lane Capital and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering, with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Learn more here: For media inquiries and interviews, please contact: Kristina Bassett - Head of PR - [email protected]

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Vienna, Austria , 05 March 2024 Europe's AI gap: 54% of students want to learn with AI, yet just 24% have access to AI in the classroom, causing students to ask "Is school setting me up for success?"

- The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024 reveals that one in two children in Europe want to learn using AI, and 6 in 10 parents see AI as a highly effective educational tool - A technological gap is widening in Europe with 4 in 10 children claiming to have access to AI learning tools at school in Germany and Austria, dropping to 2 in 10 in the UK and Spain and just 1 in 10 in France and Italy - Children in Europe rank technology development as the top subject to study to be future-ready, with 43% calling to study AI specifically - More than a third of students believe school is not preparing them for their dream job (35%) **March 5, 2024** - GoStudent, one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms, has today released The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024. The annual report offers a unique and comprehensive view of emerging educational trends, the priorities of Gen Z and Alpha students, and sheds light on current challenges across Europe’s education systems. Created in collaboration with Edelman Data & Intelligence, the study includes insights from 5,581 parents and their children and 60 teachers across six European countries: Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, and the United Kingdom. One of the strongest findings is the extent of the demand for AI in the classroom. GoStudent CEO and Co-Founder Felix Ohswald says: *“We’ve listened to the opinion of thousands of children, parents and teachers across Europe, and they are equally eager to see the education system innovate and evolve to suit the world of today and tomorrow. Children want to learn about topics that prepare them for the future, including AI and VR, and express frustration that this is not immediately available to them. Teachers and parents are also eager to empower each individual, seeing future technologies as key here, but are held back by the limitations of the current system. Yet all see technology as the solution: we need to increase access to these tools to ensure students and educators are set up for success.”* **More than 50% of students in Europe demand AI integration in education, fuelled by the explosive growth of tools like ChatGPT** Last year, GoStudent found that 44% of children believed AI would enhance education by 2050. Just one year later, The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024 reveals that over half of students (54%) firmly express a desire to start learning with AI now. And it’s no wonder that perceptions have shifted in such a short time, with the explosion of tools such as ChatGPT transforming education - and the future world - forever. Supporting the call for AI, the report also shows that children in Europe are increasingly embracing a tech-centric lifestyle, with their confidence in living in a world surrounded by new technologies growing by 20% from last year ( 77% in 2024, up from 64% in 2023). And they clearly see the benefits of using emerging technologies in education: 75% of children believe that technology allows them to learn what they want, which underlines the power of digital in creating new learning opportunities. Interestingly, while the Metaverse generated significant interest among children in Europe in 2023 with 80% of students interested in learning through this platform, this waned to 49% this year behind the rising enthusiasm to learn with AI (54%) and VR (55%). *“The decline in Metaverse interest may be due to its abstract nature and the slower development of Metaverse-related educational content compared to other technologies like AI and VR. Students are gravitating toward technologies that offer tangible and immediate educational benefits”*, says Gregor Müller, COO and Co-Founder of GoStudent. And supporting children’s appetite for AI, 8 in 10 parents and 9 in 10 teachers across Europe support the use of education apps and online learning tools, and 6 in 10 parents see AI as a highly effective educational tool. **Unequal access to technological tools in European schools could leave children behind in a future job market dominated by technology** Despite the overall increase in interest towards AI, a digital gap persists across Europe and this is clear in the fact that 35% of children do not believe school is teaching them the skills they need to do their dream job, with 50% wanting technology development added to the curriculum. In schools, this gap is already apparent. In the DACH region, 4 in 10 children claim to already have access to AI at school whereas in the UK and Spain, this drops to 2 in 10, and only 1 in 10 in Italy and France. This lack of training in AI tools risks leaving children unequally equipped in building the future workforce. According to the World Economic Forum's 2023 study about the Future of Jobs, AI and big data is the number one skills priority for large companies, ahead of 25 other skills needed in the workplace. With the explosion of fast-changing technologies, schools struggle to keep up. The AI gap could also be linked to a limited access to IT resources at school: 52% of children have access to a tablet at school in Austria (and 44% in Germany), compared to 38% in the UK and 35% in Spain, and only 25% in Italy and 20% in France. This digital gap highlights the need for more consistent and equitable access to technology in schools across Europe. It underscores the importance of addressing infrastructure disparities and ensuring that all students have equal opportunities to benefit from digital learning tools. Currently just half of the teachers interviewed across Europe use digital apps regularly, despite over 9 in 10 praising their effectiveness - indicating that a lack of access to technology is thwarting many teachers’ ability to improve their methods. **43% of students in Europe prioritise AI, equally ranked with sustainability, as key subjects to study to be future-ready** The GoStudent Future Education Report 2024 shows that AI has entered the children's concerns, with AI equally ranked alongside sustainability as the third most important topic to learn to be ready for the future. The emergence and rapid adoption of AI in our society has triggered a shift among young people’s priorities, who believe future changes powered by AI will be just as important to consider as those caused by global warming, and they need to be just as prepared. Additionally, it is no coincidence that technology development ranks as the number one topic to learn among the majority of children, far ahead of Current Affairs or Cryptocurrencies. This generation knows that understanding and experimenting with emerging tech such as AI will play a huge role in building the future, and they place it as an essential pillar of their education. To read more insights about children's aspirations for their future education, [download the full GoStudent Future of Education Report 2024 here]( **Methodology:** In collaboration with Edelman Data & Intelligence, GoStudent conducted its study among 5,581 parents or guardians, and 5,581 children aged 10 to 16 at the time of the survey in 6 European countries: Austria, Germany, France, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom, between October 20 and November 13, 2023. Around 1,000 parents/legal guardians and 1,000 children were interviewed in each country, ensuring a representative sample by age, gender and region. To provide a more holistic view, GoStudent also conducted 10-minute online interviews with 60 teachers across the same countries: Austria (n=10), Germany (n=9), France (n=11), Spain (n=10), Italy (n=11), and the United Kingdom (n=9). These interviews took place between November 20 and November 29, 2023. **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €675m from investors including Prosus, Left Lane Capital and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering, with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Learn more here: For media inquiries and interviews, please contact: Kristina Bassett - Head of PR - [email protected]

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London , 08 September 2023 EdTech Provider GoStudent Extends Helping Hand to UK Schools Amidst RAAC Concrete Crisis

# EdTech Provider GoStudent Extends Helping Hand to UK Schools Amidst RAAC Concrete Crisis In the wake of the unprecedented disruption caused by the RAAC concrete crisis, leading EdTech provider [GoStudent ]( offering 600 free online tutoring lessons to schools that have been affected. The risk of failing concrete has sent shockwaves through the education sector, plaguing schools across the UK. With [20 schools]( forced to pivot to hybrid learning, and four to fully remote, GoStudent is extending a helping hand to offer critical support to beleaguered schools. Affected schools can apply for the free online tutoring lessons by filling out the form, [here]( To qualify, schools are required to contact GoStudent by 12pm, Friday 15th September, after which the 600 lessons will be allocated, with priority being given to schools with a high number of students on pupil premium. Having seen from its own data that Maths and English are the subjects that UK students most often seek support with, the GoStudent tutoring lessons will focus on these two subjects. Lessons will take place online in a 1:1 or group setting (currently not a live feature for GoStudent’s UK customers). This will empower schools to use the donated lessons in the way that best suits their needs. The initiative is designed to offer support to students beyond the school walls, with many pupils possibly facing weeks of disrupted learning in the wake of the crisis. GoStudent recognises the challenges faced by educators, students, and parents during these trying times and is committed to ensuring that learning can continue seamlessly. **Co-founder and CEO of GoStudent, Felix Ohswald**, comments: "Education is the bedrock of our society, and it is essential that our schools continue to provide quality learning experiences for their students, even in the face of unexpected challenges like the RAAC concrete issue. We recognise the hardships that schools are currently enduring, and we want to do our part to ensure that students can continue their education without disruption. By offering these 600 free online lessons, we hope that we can help schools mitigate just some of the impact of this crisis and ensure that the learning process remains as uninterrupted as possible." Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent combines the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s full potential. The company recently launched GoStudent VR, an immersive language learning platform that is set to revolutionise language learning for the next generation with tutor-led virtual reality (VR) group experiences in virtual environments that simulate real-life settings. Schools can apply for the free online tutoring lessons by filling in this [GoStudent Form]( **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €675m from investors including Prosus, Left Lane Capital and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering over the past two years with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Across its portfolio, GoStudent employs more than 1,500 staff and supports more than 11 million families each month. Learn more here:

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London , 04 September 2023 Revolutionising Education: A Glimpse into the Future of Education in 2050

# Revolutionising Education: A Glimpse into the Future of Education in 2050 Brain-computer technology to detect burn-out, ultra-realistic virtual reality learning scenarios, and genetic testing to identify the perfect school subjects to study are just a few futuristic features that will be normal for school students by 2050, according to a leading futurologist. The next 25 years will see the traditional classroom become a thing of the past, according to a new fascinating white paper, entitled 'The End Of School As You Know It: Education in 2050', written by Tracey Follows, one of the top 50 female futurists according to Forbes magazine and a Visiting Professor of Digital Futures and Identity. The classroom will be replaced by completely simulated environments in which students of palaeontology would learn while surrounded by dinosaurs in the wild, scholars taking marine studies would observe ocean life while ‘underwater’ and pupils on astronomy courses would attend classes on board a starship. Tracey Follows' thought-provoking white paper was commissioned by GoStudent, one of the world’s leading online tutoring providers and education platforms, and includes visualisations of what’s to come. GoStudent is at the forefront of transforming education through tailored 1:1 learning and integrating technology. Standard assessments will be replaced by DNA testing in order to detect students’ strengths and subjects they are predisposed to excel in, to hone in on innate talents and ultimately, pave the way for their careers. Brain-computer technology will be used to continually monitor mental and emotional well-being, identifying imminent signs of student burnout or stress. Classes are likely to be more skill-based rather than age-related, increasing the rate of educational progress and AI technology will provide instant in-person translation, meaning students of many different nationalities can learn together. Co-founder and CEO of GoStudent, Felix Ohswald shared his thoughts on the findings: “Education is at an inflexion point. Historically, learning was exclusive, very personalised and highly inaccessible. Later, as education became mandatory, accessibility increased but, consequently, it became much less personalised.” “With the rise of technology and AI in particular, the education space is set to change significantly once again, as accessibility and personalisation combine. To actively continue to shape the future of how students learn we must embrace what lies ahead. We’re excited to see how education will evolve, and what this means for us as we continue our mission to reimagine education.” Tracey Follows, Futurist, Author and Visiting Professor in Digital Futures and Identity shared her insights, “The future of education is incredibly exciting and dynamic. With the rapid progressions in technology, we are on the brink of a technological explosion that will change how the entire world operates. Education will be at the epicentre of that change. The shift towards immersive learning, AI-driven personalisation, and continuous monitoring is set to revolutionise how we learn and adapt. “The educational journey will be tailored to each individual's purpose and passion, with the classroom expanding beyond its physical constraints and revolutionising education. By looking ahead to 2050, we get a glimpse of what is to come - and the results are fascinating.” Imagine a world where classrooms are anything but boring, where our minds are taken care of, and where education fits like a glove. This is the education revolution, and it's coming our way sooner than we think. [Explore the complete The End of School as You Know It: Education in 2050 white paper and visualisations on GoStudent's website]( - END - **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and, with a €3bn valuation, Europe’s highest-valued EdTech company. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €590m from investors including Prosus and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering over the past two years with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline worlds to unlock every child’s potential. Across its portfolio, GoStudent employs more than 1,500 staff and supports more than 5 million families each month. Learn more here: **Press contact GoStudent:** For any further queries or interview requests, please contact: [email protected] **Notes to Editors: ** Research has been lifted from GoStudent’s March 2023 research report, ‘The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2023’

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London, UK , 04 August 2023 GoStudent raises $95M as investors back vision for the future of education

**- Company to set new standard for hybrid learning, following December 2022 acquisition of offline player, Studienkreis** **- AI integration to be prioritised, with EdTech unicorn having estimated the Global market size of AI in education to reach $10-20 BN by 2027** 4th August 23 - London, UK- GoStudent, one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms, has today announced a strategic $95M raise, with funds being used to realise the company’s hybrid vision and double-down on AI integration. The raise is a mix of equity and debt capital, with participation from Deutsche Bank, and investors including Left Lane Capital, DN Capital, Tencent, Prosus, DST, Coatue and Softbank Vision Fund 2. It signals strong support for the EdTech unicorn’s vision to harness the power of innovative technology whilst maintaining the human touch, creating truly personalised learning solutions. Understanding that there is no ‘one size fits all’ when it comes to education, the raise will be used to bring enhanced hybrid learning solutions to the DACH region. Having seen that 61% of parents are seeking a combination of online and offline educational support, GoStudent and Studienkreis will offer families in Austria and Germany access to packages tailored to the child's learning style and needs, spanning 1:1 online tutoring, group offline lessons, and sessions via GoVR - GoStudent’s newly-launched virtual reality language learning platform. Tech solutions also feed into the company’s hybrid strategy. GoStudent shared its strategic vision for AI in May 2023, having calculated that the global market size of AI in education could reach $10-20 billion by 2027. With this round, GoStudent will prioritise the creation of AI-driven tools. With a view to empowering the +23,000 tutors on its platform, GoStudent will develop an AI lesson plan generator, trained on the local curriculum, saving each tutor an average of 15 minutes per lesson: an enormous time save considering the volume of lessons taking place on the GoStudent platform each month. The company will also introduce AI-driven content-based learning to its platform, meaning students can study in between lessons, engaging with content tailored to their specific needs. *“We see daily the impact that tailored learning can have on a child’s confidence,”* comments GoStudent CEO and co-founder, Felix Ohswald. *“By offering AI-driven study support or virtual reality lessons in group environments, alongside traditional tutoring, a truly bespoke learning path can be created for each individual child - readying them for their future.”* He continues: *“More immediately, though, families will have total flexibility via our hybrid model. If the preference is for offline tutoring, but the family is travelling for summer, 1:1 online lessons can be booked to ensure momentum is not lost. Or, if a child loves to learn English together with other children, but needs 1:1 support in mathematics, we can make this happen. For us, hybrid is about ensuring long-term learning success that suits the needs of the individual. This raise ensures we seize this opportunity, and signals confidence that we are driving the future of education.”* *“As one of GoStudent’s earliest investors, we backed the company’s vision and are thrilled to see the team execute against it,”* comments Harley Miller, CEO and Managing Partner at Left Lane Capital. *“The team has honed its core online tutoring offering, built a sustainable model, and grown across Europe. As GoStudent doubles down on its existing VR capabilities, introduces smart AI tools, and drives synergies with Studienkreis, we see even further potential to complete its vision of hybrid offline and online tutoring, as well as introducing other technology-enabled learning modalities.”* Across its portfolio, GoStudent supports more than 11 million families. The company operates in 15 countries and more than 1 million 1:1 online tutoring lessons are booked globally each month. Note to editor: Global AI in Education Market size estimate created through the analysis of three reports: Global Market Insights, Grand View Research, and Global Market Estimates and insights taken from Holon IQ. *Internal research by GoStudent exploring Online Learning and Tutoring Attitude of 400 parents in the DACH region. **About GoStudent** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and education platforms. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €675m from investors including Prosus, Left Lane Capital and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering over the past two years with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Across its portfolio, GoStudent employs more than 1,500 staff and supports more than 11 million families each month. Learn more here: **About Left Lane Capital** Founded in 2019, Left Lane Capital is a New York-based global venture capital and growth equity firm investing in internet and technology companies with a consumer orientation. Left Lane’s mission is to partner with extraordinary entrepreneurs who create category-defining companies across growth sectors of the economy, including software, healthcare, e-commerce, consumer, fintech, edtech, and other industries. Today, Left Lane Capital has invested in more than 60 companies worldwide. Select investments include GoStudent, M1 Finance, Wayflyer, Bilt, Masterworks, Blank Street, Talkiatry, Tovala, and more. For more information, please visit: **Press contact: [email protected]**

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Vienna , 13 June 2023 GoStudent VR: GoStudent's Bold Leap into Virtual Reality, Redefining Language Learning for a New Generation

- GoStudent launches GoStudent VR, an immersive language learning platform for students, in partnership with Immerse and Meta - GoStudent VR revolutionises language learning with tutor-led virtual reality (VR) group experiences in virtual environments simulating real-life settings - The platform aims to enhance students’ foreign language speaking abilities and confidence, further solidifying GoStudent’s position as a leader in the education technology sector **Vienna, Austria, June 13, 2023** – GoStudent, one of the world's leading tutoring providers, proudly unveils GoStudent VR, a pioneering, immersive, virtual reality language learning platform designed specifically for students aged 13-18. This innovative education offering has been created in collaboration with Immerse, an award-winning VR training platform, and supported by Meta via a hardware donation of Meta Quest 2 VR headsets. This groundbreaking launch aims to transform language learning for students. GoStudent VR offers tutor-led virtual reality group language learning experiences, enabling students to enhance their foreign language speaking abilities and confidence through immersion into foreign environments and 'real-life' settings. Tutors join the sessions from their desktops, while students can join either via VR headset or desktop, creating an immersive learning environment that has been designed with the specific needs of both tutors and students in mind. GoStudent VR comes in direct response to a growing understanding that education is not a ‘one size fits all’ experience and that students are keen to see more technology enter the curriculum. The GoStudent Future of Education Report 2023 found that 77% of students believe technology facilitates learning, with 80% of 14-16 year-olds expressing interest in using the Metaverse as an educational tool. 64% of these 14-16 year-olds believe the Metaverse will make education more fun and 63% think it will allow them to explore potential future careers in a safe, virtual world. More than half believe that, in the Metaverse, they will learn more effectively. Despite this enthusiasm, the same report found that only 13% of students across Europe are currently using VR at school. GoStudent VR steps in to fill this gap, acknowledging the evolving needs and desires of students in their educational journey, and offering learners an adaptable, personalised learning experience. Felix Ohswald, CEO and Co-Founder of GoStudent comments: *"GoStudent VR represents a quantum stride in language learning. We’ve transformed the traditional classroom into an engaging playground where students can experience, interact with, and learn languages in ways that are both fun and effective. Our partnership with Immerse and Meta further cements our position as a leading EdTech player, and we are confident that GoStudent VR supports our mission to provide innovative and personalised learning experiences to students.”* GoStudent VR launched in Germany and Austria today, June 13, 2023, with plans to expand to other markets in the future. It will be taught by native English-speaking tutors from the UK, ensuring an authentic and high-quality language learning experience. Gregor Müller, COO and Co-Founder of GoStudent, shared an insight into the GoStudent VR experience:* “Envision yourself as a soccer coach, passionately delivering a half-time locker room speech to your favourite team, all while honing your English. Or picture yourself in Paris, practising your French as you order a delicious crepe underneath the Eiffel Tower. With GoStudent VR, scenarios like these transform from mere fantasies into interactive learning environments that students want to engage with. Early users of GoStudent VR have been overwhelmingly positive about their experiences. As education providers, we have a responsibility to innovate in response to the needs of students, so they can truly unlock their potential.”* GoStudent VR encourages social interaction and collaboration, fostering a supportive environment for students to practise speaking with native-language tutors and their peers. This immersive approach not only enhances memory retention but also bolsters confidence, leading to students feeling less anxious and more empowered. The profound benefits of VR technology in language learning are evident in research conducted by Immerse. Their studies show significant improvements in listening and reading skills following VR experiences. A striking 98.8% of students reported improved English speaking skills thanks to Immerse. *“GoStudent VR exemplifies a careful selection of partnerships aimed at addressing the unique learning needs of students,”* says Alexander Nick, Director of GoStudent Future Labs.* “Aligned with findings from the GoStudent Future of Education Report, where 77% of European children believe in the facilitative role of technology in learning, we sought to partner with those equally committed to this vision. Our alliance with Immerse and Meta brings together pioneering technology and immersive experiences. This triad collaboration enables GoStudent VR to redefine language learning, further propelling GoStudent's position as a vanguard in the EdTech sector.”* Central to GoStudent's mission is the unwavering dedication to innovation for a more effective, engaging, and enjoyable learning experience. GoStudent VR, the latest addition to its offering, makes learning not only easier but also more enjoyable for students.. By offering a range of learning methods, including group VR experiences, GoStudent ensures a tailored and effective learning experience that best suits each student's unique needs. This comprehensive and personalised approach, which combines GoStudent VR with traditional tutoring services, underscores GoStudent's deep understanding of the diverse learning needs and preferences of modern students. “For most of us, learning is social – we learn from and with others, and from each other’s experiences. That’s why the unique feeling of presence and immersion these technologies create can be so transformative for education. Partners like GoStudent will help us understand how teachers and students can get the best out of these technologies.” said Nick Clegg, President, Global Affairs at Meta. GoStudent VR offers a unique VR learning experience with each lesson designed to cater to the learners' specific needs. Lessons are of 50-minute duration and each class comprises between one and eight students to ensure an interactive, immersive, and personalised learning experience. GoStudent VR classes are affordably priced between 25€ and 27€, making this cutting-edge technology accessible to a broad spectrum of students. Existing GoStudent customers can book a GoStudent VR session instead of a regular tutoring session through their subscription. Through GoStudent VR, students will be able to access more than 40 virtual locations, with scenarios centred around teamwork-based exercises. Environments span restaurants and comedy clubs, to TV studios and a desert island. New locations will be added each month to keep the experience fresh and motivating for students. Students and tutors can sign up for GoStudent VR by visiting []( **Media Assets** For a closer look at the GoStudent VR experience, high-resolution images and video demos can be found [here]( **Demo or Review Opportunities** For journalists interested in experiencing GoStudent VR firsthand or reviewing our platform, please contact Lena van Hooven at [email protected] **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is one of the world’s leading tutoring providers and, with a €3bn valuation, Europe’s highest-valued EdTech company. Founded in Vienna, Austria, in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO), the venture-backed unicorn has raised more than €590m from investors including Prosus and SoftBank Vision Fund 2. Believing the future of education is hybrid, GoStudent has expanded its offering over the past two years with the acquisition of three EdTech companies - Seneca Learning, Tus Media and Fox Education - and offline tutoring business, Studienkreis. Together, these companies aim to unite the best of the online and offline world to unlock every child’s potential. Across its portfolio, GoStudent employs more than 1,500 staff and supports more than 5 million families each month. Learn more here: []( **About Meta** Meta is focused on building an ecosystem to support learning in the metaverse. This includes empowering the next generation of AR/VR creators, transforming the way we learn through high-quality immersive experiences and increasing access to education through technology. Learn more [here]( **About Immerse** [Immerse]( is the number one virtual world purpose-built for language learning. In Immerse, members can meet up and teleport to a virtual British marketplace to practice speaking with a live English instructor, or a virtual Parisian cafe to build conversational fluency with a French instructor. By increasing access to immersive language learning, Immerse cultivates human connection between people across the globe that otherwise would not be part of the conversation. Immerse has raised $11.5M, built a team of more than thirty staff, and secured landmark partnerships with Meta, ByteDance, and Nvidia. Press contact GoStudent: Lena van Hooven, PR Manager DACH [email protected] +49 152 06151853

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London , 02 December 2022 EdTech unicorn GoStudent to acquire DACH’s leading, centre-based tutoring company, Studienkreis, from IK Partners in landmark deal

**EdTech unicorn GoStudent to acquire DACH’s leading, centre-based tutoring company, Studienkreis, from IK Partners in landmark deal** **GoStudent accelerates hybrid learning strategy to fuel future growth** **Global tutoring market projected to reach USD 278 billion by 2026** GoStudent, Europe’s leading EdTech company and one of the world’s largest online tutoring agents, today announced the acquisition of Studienkreis, the market leader in centre-based tutoring in the DACH region, from IK Partners (“IK”). The transaction accelerates GoStudent’s strategy to combine the best of both the online and offline world and to give people access to quality education through technology. The global online tutoring market, valued at USD 150 billion in 2020, is projected to reach USD 278 billion by 2026. Coupled with a global learning crisis that includes teacher shortages, learning gaps and access to education, GoStudent is leading the conversation on the future of learning that will deliver more value to families across Europe. Over the past 12 months the company made a number of strategic acquisitions including UK-based Seneca Learning, Tus Media Group from Spain and Fox Education from Austria. These acquisitions allowed the company to extend into AI-based learning content, improve and increase access to tutors and the addressable market and offer communication solutions for schools and families. With the integration of Studienkreis, the company can now address families with a preference for centre-based learning or group classes. This positions GoStudent firmly at the forefront of the morning, afternoon and content education market. *“Over 1.5 million online tutoring sessions are booked each month at GoStudent, but we believe the future of learning is hybrid. Combining online and offline creates an omnichannel model which brings maximum value to families and builds a barrier for competitors,”* explained **Felix Ohswald**, CEO and co-founder of GoStudent. *“With today’s announcement, GoStudent now offers a full spectrum of learning solutions for every type of student and budget. In addition to our core, 1:1, online tutoring, we offer everything from freemium products to group classes. It’s this winning combination that will fuel our future growth while at the same time boosting profitability.”* Established in 1974, Studienkreis is Germany’s leading tutoring company with over 1,000 learning centres across the country. A pioneer in online learning since 2012, the company serves 125,000 families every year in the DACH region. Under the ownership of IK since 2017, Studienkreis expanded to Austria through the acquisition of LernQuadrat in 2018 and strengthened its market-leading position in DACH through increased brand awareness and the provision of high-quality tutoring services. By combining offline tutoring with online services as well as own-developed digital tools, Studienkreis shares a vision for developing a blended learning experience. *“Since our first meeting, it was clear the two companies shared a passion and belief that the future of learning is hybrid, and we believe technology is key to enabling that. GoStudent’s position in the online world, together with our strong brand and physical position in Germany, will create a blueprint for building individual, dynamic learning paths so each student can not only improve their grades but unlock their full potential,”* added **Lorenz Haase**, CEO, Studienkreis. *“We are very excited to be part of this next phase of growth.”* **Nils Pohlmann**, Partner at IK, added: *“It has been a pleasure working with Lorenz and his team at Studienkreis. Education and people are the essence of our modern society and Studienkreis and GoStudent are leading players for tutoring services. We wish them the very best for their joint journey.”* Studienkreis will continue operating independently under its current leadership team while the two companies aim to identify synergies over time. **-ENDS-** **About GoStudent** GoStudent is one of the world-leading online tutoring agents and, with a €3BN valuation, Europe’s highest valued EdTech company. GoStudent was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Currently, GoStudent is serving customers in 20 countries. Via its platform GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition in more than 30 subjects to primary, secondary and college-aged students, using a membership model. Various investors, including Prosus and SoftBank Vision Fund 2, have invested more than 590 million euros in the rapidly growing platform. GoStudent employs 1,600 people and works with 23,000 self-employed tutors. Over 1.5M tutoring sessions are booked each month. **About Studienkreis** Studienkreis is one of the leading private education providers in Germany. The company offers quality tutoring and school-accompanying lessons both online and on-site at more than 1,000 locations. Since 1974, Studienkreis has helped more than 1.5 million students of all grades and school types to fully develop their personal potential in all common subjects. The personalised support follows a scientifically proven learning concept, for which Studienkreis receives awards year after year in recognition of its high quality and effectiveness. Studienkreis is a pioneer in digital learning in Germany and has been offering its customers comprehensive digital learning services and online tutoring since 2012. **About IK Partners** IK Partners (“IK”) is a European private equity firm focused on investments in the Benelux, DACH, France, Nordics and the UK. Since 1989, IK has raised more than €14 billion of capital and invested in over 170 European companies. IK supports companies with strong underlying potential, partnering with management teams and investors to create robust, well-positioned businesses with excellent long-term prospects. For more information, visit

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United Kingdom , 22 March 2022 EdTech unicorn GoStudent launches its one-on-one online tutoring services in the US

- GoStudent has opened its US headquarters in Austin, Texas - The EdTech scale-up will offer individualized online tutoring for standardized tests, academic support and interest-based learning - GoStudent aims to grow its US business to 150k sessions booked monthly by the end of 2022 **Austin, Texas, 22nd March 2022** - As part of its ongoing mission to become a world-leading education provider, EdTech unicorn GoStudent has announced its expansion to the US, with headquarters based in Austin, Texas. Following a successful soft launch in November 2021, GoStudent is ready to provide tailored online tutoring sessions in over 30 subjects to a potential market of 50 million K-12 students. Prioritizing sustainable learning success, GoStudent offers memberships of between six and 36 months, with price per session ranging from $32 to $50, based on the package chosen. GoStudent is the highest valued EdTech scale-up in Europe, and operates in 23 markets, including numerous countries in Latin America and Europe, as well as Canada and Turkey. **US holds promising market potential for GoStudent's online tutoring services** GoStudent aims to offer millions of families in the US access to affordable, tailored, one-on-one tutoring for their children, including coaching for standardized tests, such as the SAT. The company also offers tutoring in core school subjects as well as support in interest-based learning, such as coding. Tutoring is delivered remotely, via video, and carried out via GoStudent’s online platform. Within this platform, lessons can be scheduled and feedback shared. *"The market potential of more than 50 million students between the ages of six and 18 is enormous,”* says GoStudent’s Chief Growth Officer, Laura Warnier, who is responsible for driving GoStudent’s global expansion. *“The market conditions we’ve found entering the US are advantageous. We expect a high-quality tutor supply, due to the strong number of top universities and the fact that university students pursue side jobs while studying,” Warnier explains. “We are also mindful that in the US, online learning is already trusted and established. This, paired with the fact that there are large rural areas where access to quality physical tutors is limited, and where online tutoring will be welcomed, makes for a promising launch.”* Recent market studies conducted by GoStudent in the US show that more than 65 percent of surveyed parents have organized one-on-one tutoring for their child in the past 12 months and have paid an average of $68 per session. The typical price per session with GoStudent, depending on the package selected, is $41, which is 40 percent less than the US average. *“Our vision is to unlock the full potential of every student. On our journey to reach this goal, we are committed to offering access to high-quality education by using online solutions and by setting rates that are more easily affordable. Digitalization has always helped to democratize industries and applying this logic to education is long overdue.”*, says Felix Ohswald, Co-founder and CEO of GoStudent. **Start-up Hub Austin, Texas, selected for GoStudent’s US headquarters with Sam Best leading the entry into the US market** Sam Best, an experienced sales expert with vast leadership experience in a hyper growth environment, as well as a proven track record in building foundations for successful software and tech start-ups, was appointed to launch the US market in January 2022. *“Beside Sam's extensive experience, he is an inspirational leader who knows how to motivate his team with passion and energy. Overall, we are convinced he is a great cultural fit for GoStudent.”*, shares Laura Warnier. The EdTech unicorn has chosen to open its US base in Austin, Texas, becoming part of Austin’s exciting start-up environment. GoStudent will join the more than 7,000 high-tech companies and 100 incubators, accelerators and coworking spaces that are located in the city. Central to the strategic considerations in selecting this location is the rich talent pool in Austin. The city has the fifth highest concentration of college-educated adults, and more than one-third of the population is between 25 and 44 years old. *“We are looking for a bright and diverse workforce to fuel further growth. Austin has a very attractive talent pool of multifaceted individuals. This makes it a very promising location for us to source talents fitting our culture in order to gain a leading position in the US tutoring market.”,* says Sam Best, US Manager at GoStudent. **Ambitious growth plans** Throughout 2022, GoStudent aims to grow its Austin-based team to more than 130 talents, spanning tutor management, customer success and sales. By the end of the year, GoStudent aims to reach a volume of 150k sessions booked per month across the country. GoStudent’s US launch comes just weeks after its acquisition of the UK-based learning and revision platform Seneca Learning and Spain-based Tus Media Group, which offers an open marketplace for tutoring. In January 2022 GoStudent announced its $340 million Series D funding round led by Prosus and the subsequent company valuation of $3.5 billion. New York-based venture capital and growth equity firm, Left Lane Capital, has been investing in GoStudent since its Series A funding round in early 2020. *“We have seen many past investments, such as Hellofresh and Blinkist, come from Europe to the US with great success. We are thrilled that students in America will finally have access to high quality, one-on-one tutoring at affordable rates. GoStudent’s promise of affordable, personalized and convenient tutoring will be a great aid to students here, especially those in rural and lower income areas.”* says Vinny Pujji, Managing Partner at Left Lane Capital. Press images can be downloaded [here]( **About GoStudent** GoStudent is one of the world-leading online tutoring providers and, with a $3.5 billion valuation, Europe’s highest valued EdTech company. GoStudent was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-on-one, video-based tutoring to K-12 students in over 30 subjects, using a membership model. Investors including Prosus Ventures, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Left Lane Capital, Coatue and DST Global have already invested a total of over $669 million in the rapidly growing platform. In 2021 GoStudent acquired FoxEducation, followed by Seneca Learning and Tus Media Group in 2022. Currently, GoStudent supports more than 11 million people worldwide. GoStudent is serving customers in 23 countries, employs more than 1,800 people, and works with +19,000 tutors. Over 1.5M tutoring sessions are booked each month. **Media contact**: Kristina Bassett I Head of PR & Communications at GoStudent M: +44 786 914 3214 I E: [email protected]

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United Kingdom , 02 March 2022 EdTech unicorn GoStudent bolsters C-Suite and appoints Delivery Hero’s Duncan McIntyre as Chief Financial Officer and Felix Kernbichler as Chief Legal Officer

**London, 2nd March 2022** - GoStudent, Europe’s first EdTech unicorn, has announced the appointment of Duncan McIntyre, formerly Managing Director at Delivery Hero’s investment fund, DX Ventures, as its Chief Financial Officer. The company also welcomes Felix Kernbichler as its Chief Legal Officer. These significant additions to GoStudent’s C-Suite offer substantial experience in finance and M&A, and signal the company’s ambitious growth plans as it strives to become the number one global school. In January 2022, GoStudent raised a Series D investment round of €300M, and in February 2022, the company acquired UK-based Seneca Learning and the Spanish Tus Media Group. As Chief Financial Officer, Duncan will lead GoStudent’s finance department, where he will be responsible for fundraising and M&A activities. Duncan has more than 15 years of experience in the field of finance, including a strong background in M&A. In his prior roles as Senior Vice President of Corporate Finance and Managing Director of DX Ventures at Delivery Hero, he developed the company’s global strategy and led the growth activities of 100 transactions, including M&A worth €5Bn, fundraising activities amounting to €4Bn, and various venture capital investments under the fund DX Ventures. Duncan was also responsible for building out the investor relations function at Delivery Hero as well as the IPO planning and execution process. With his extensive experience in global growth strategies, Duncan is looking forward to bringing the hypergrowth activities at GoStudent to the next level. *“I am thrilled to join one of the most exciting and fast-growing technology companies in Europe. The opportunity to create a global leader in the education sector is unique. I am incredibly impressed by the culture, high caliber of people, and focus on execution that Felix, Gregor and the team have built at GoStudent.”,* says Duncan McIntyre, Chief Financial Officer at GoStudent. Felix Ohswald, Co-Founder and CEO of GoStudent says: *“We are very excited to have Duncan onboard. His extensive experience in building and scaling hypergrowth businesses, leading one of Europe’s largest tech IPOs, significant fundraising and international M&A experience will be able to contribute to the mission of building the No. 1 global school.”* In the new position of Chief Legal Officer, Felix Kernbichler is responsible for GoStudent’s legal affairs and will in particular advise on all fundraisings and acquisitions. Felix has a strong background in corporate law, venture capital and M&A. For the past five years, he has worked at a renowned Austrian law firm which focuses on startups. During this time, he advised on many of the biggest venture capital transactions in Austria. At the beginning of 2022, Felix founded his own private practice in Vienna and started to support GoStudent as Chief Legal Officer. His mission for GoStudent is to efficiently negotiate and facilitate all fundraisings and acquisitions and provide legal solutions that enhance the business. His knowledge and experience in supporting scale-ups from a legal side will enable GoStudent to grow at an enhanced speed. He will be supported by an in-house legal team that GoStudent will significantly expand over the next year. *“Having advised GoStudent since 2018, I am very happy to support now in a much more involved role. Coming from a family of teachers, I care deeply about quality education and know first-hand what a difference it can make. Considering the incredible untapped potential in education, I am sure GoStudent’s phenomenal growth was only the beginning and there is much more to come. I am very excited to be able to work alongside a great team to build the No. 1 global school.”*, says Felix Kernbichler, Chief Legal Officer at GoStudent. Felix Ohswald, Co-Founder and CEO of GoStudent says: *“Felix is a perfect fit for us as he has supported all financing rounds and acquisitions of GoStudent since 2018. With his profound knowledge in the field of law, he will be invaluable as we set in motion our plans for the future.”* **Press photo download:**You can download high-resolution press photos via this [link]( **About GoStudent**: GoStudent is one of the world-leading online tutoring providers and, with a €3BN valuation, Europe’s highest valued EdTech company. GoStudent was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Currently, GoStudent is serving customers in 22 countries. Via its platform GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition in 30+ subjects to primary, secondary and college-aged students, using a membership model. Various investors, including Prosus and SoftBank Vision Fund 2, have invested more than 590 million euros in the rapidly growing platform. In 2021 GoStudent acquired FoxEducation, followed by Seneca Learning and Tus Media Group in 2022. Currently, GoStudent is serving customers in 22 countries, employs more than 1,500 people, and works with +15,000 tutors. Over 1.5M tutoring sessions are booked each month. Learn more here: **Media contact**: Kristina Bassett I Head of PR & Communications at GoStudent M: +44 786 914 3214 I E: [email protected]

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United Kingdom , 02 February 2022 EdTech unicorn GoStudent to acquire UK-based Seneca Learning and Spanish Tus Media Group

**London - February 2, 2022** - As part of its ongoing mission to become the number 1 global school and a leading education provider, GoStudent has announced the acquisition of two established European education companies. The EdTech unicorn will extend its product offering through the integration of algorithmic learning content via the acquisition of Seneca Learning, and will increase its access to the addressable market by acquiring Tus Media, which provides an open tutoring marketplace. Both acquired companies will continue operating independently under their current leadership teams and with their established brand names. This announcement comes just one month after GoStudent raised €300M in Series D funding and follows GoStudent’s 2021 acquisition of Fox Education, an Austrian all-in-one school communication solution. **Seneca Learning acquisition: enriching GoStudent’s portfolio through the addition of adaptive & AI-based learning content** With approximately seven million students using Seneca Learning, it is the fastest-growing freemium homework and revision platform in the UK. The EdTech company uses algorithms to help students remember topics more easily. Children can choose from more than 1,000 KS2, KS3, GCSE & A-Level courses, developed based on exam board specifications. With the acquisition, GoStudent aims to integrate Seneca Learning’s algorithms & AI-based features into the GoStudent membership, enriching the experience of its students. Not only can Seneca Learning be used during tutoring sessions, it will also provide students with smart learning content that will help them to memorise subject material at their own pace outside of lessons as well. *“The United Kingdom is one of GoStudent's core regions, and we aim to become the market leader. We have listened to the needs of our customers, and adding a content platform to our core offering is an important strategic step for us, allowing us to further enrich our learning offerings and diversify our portfolio”*, says Felix Ohswald, CEO and Co-Founder of GoStudent. In addition, GoStudent plans to bring Seneca Learning’s services to markets outside of the UK, where GoStudent already has a presence. *“Working with Felix and the GoStudent team will allow us to bring Seneca’s free content and personalised learning experience to millions more students in different countries across the world. The team is excited to build on our success in the UK and take our product international to give more children access to an amazing free education"*, says Stephen Wilks, Co-Founder and CEO of Seneca Learning. **Tus Media acquisition: increasing the addressable market** Founded in 2011, Tus Media offers an open marketplace for tutors serving four million students. The company brings together teachers, students and academies to arrange online or offline tutoring sessions, based on the user's preferences. The company’s first service, *Tusclasesparticulares*, is now a leading marketplace for connecting students with teachers in Spain, and has grown quickly in several European and LATAM countries. Tus Media’s second venture, *Classgap*, provides a virtual classroom delivering individualised teaching experiences remotely. With the acquisition, GoStudent aims to leverage the strategic fit between the two platforms. Expanding its offering will allow GoStudent to grow its addressable market and reach more families globally. Additionally, students seeking structured, sustainable, long-term tutoring support will be able to access managed tutoring services from GoStudent via Tus Media's platforms. *“Albert Clemente is one of the most passionate and dedicated education entrepreneurs we have ever met. Working with him as a partner and learning from each other will allow us to get one step closer to becoming the number 1 global school”*, says Gregor Müller, COO and Co-Founder of GoStudent. *“The acquisition by GoStudent gives us the thrust to further scale Tus Media with all its brands to new markets and expand to even bigger regional geographies. I am excited to continue in my role as CEO to ensure Tus Media's success and grow the team further!”*, says Albert Clemente, Founder and CEO of Tus Media Group. David González Castro, founder and CEO of Redarbor - Tus Media’s former investor on the acquisition by GoStudent: *"In 2018, we acquired 20 percent and later 30 percent of participation in Tus Media. After the acquisition by GoStudent, we will leave the shareholding. I am very proud of all the success we have achieved in collaboration and value creation with Albert Clemente. Albert and I met at Anuntis and I am very happy that he found a company like GoStudent to develop Tus Media's full potential."* goetzpartners Corporate Finance acted as exclusive M&A advisor to GoStudent in both transactions. J&A Garrigues acted as legal advisor in the acquisition of Tus Media, while Osborne Clarke UK acted as legal advisor in the acquisition of Seneca Learning. GoStudent’s founders aim to assess further acquisition opportunities this year, in order to build a holistic learning ecosystem that will take education to the next level worldwide. Press images can be downloaded [here]( **About GoStudent** GoStudent is one of the world-leading online tutoring providers and with a €3BN valuation Europe’s highest valued EdTech company. GoStudent was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition to primary, secondary, and college-aged students in 30+ subjects, using a membership model. Various investors such as Prosus Ventures and SoftBank Vision Fund 2 have already invested a total of +590 million euros in the rapidly growing platform. In 2021 GoStudent acquired FoxEducation, followed by Seneca Learning and Tus Media Group in 2022. Currently, GoStudent is serving customers in 22 countries, employs more than 1,500 people, and works with +15,000 tutors. Over 1.5M tutoring sessions are booked each month. **About Seneca Learning** Seneca Learning is one of the most-used free learning platforms in the world. Since Seneca’s launch in 2018, 7.1 million people have used Seneca’s adaptive learning platform to study more effectively. The Seneca platform uses cognitive science, gamification and adaptive algorithms to deliver the best learning experiences for students, parents & teachers. Going forward, Seneca’s goal is to build the best free education product for students across the world. **About Tus Media group** Tus Media group, founded in 2011, offers educational platforms that let students or companies easily connect with teachers from all over the world. Its goal is to make personalised and quality one-to-one education accessible to everyone, through its brands:,, and Tus Media currently employs 50 people and operates worldwide, with a special focus on Southern Europe (Spain, France and Italy) and Latin America (Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Uruguay and Venezuela). From 2018 to January 2021, the shareholding of Tus Media was 30% owned by Redarbor. **About Redarbor** Redarbor is an international company with headquarters in Barcelona. It is the market leader in employment websites and digital HR solutions, and has a presence in more than 25 countries. The company was founded in 2013 by the entrepreneur David González Castro, who previously founded Anuntis – Adevinta Spain (fotocasa, segundamano, infojobs and Since its inception, Redarbor has become the third-largest online employment group in the world and the largest one in Latin America. The company has 7 offices worldwide and more than 400 employees. **Media contact**: Kristina Bassett I UK/IE PR & Communications at GoStudent M: +44 786 914 3214 I E: [email protected]

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United Kingdom , 11 January 2022 GoStudent Raises €300M in Series D Funding led by Prosus

**EdTech unicorn to continue hypergrowth on its mission to become a leading, global education platform** **Vienna / London, January 11, 2022**: Vienna-based GoStudent, which provides one-to-one video-based online tutoring, raised €300M in Series D funding led by new investor Prosus, with additional participation from Deutsche Telekom, SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Tencent, Dragoneer, Left Lane Capital and Coatue. The funding comes just seven months after GoStudent became Europe’s first EdTech unicorn, raising a Series C round of €205M in June 2021. Since the company was founded in 2016, it has raised a total of +€590M, and this new round strengthens its position as the highest valued K12 EdTech company in Europe with a €3BN valuation. *“At GoStudent, our mission has stayed consistent since our founding: to unlock the potential of every student worldwide by enabling students to feel supported in their academic journey,”* said Felix Ohswald, Co-Founder and CEO of GoStudent. *italic text* The new funding will go towards GoStudent’s three central and strategic pillars: international expansion, product expansion through M&A, and increased market share in existing geographies. **Expanding education services across the globe**: To achieve its goal of becoming the world leader in the tutoring space, GoStudent will continue driving fast global expansion, expanding to several new countries that demonstrate a significant market opportunity. GoStudent plans to enter a minimum of six markets this year, including new regions such as the US, Asia-Pacific and the MENA-Region. **Growing education offering through M&A**: GoStudent is proactively aiming to grow and diversify its range of services through M&A. To enhance the learning experience of K12 students, GoStudent plans to acquire best of breed K12 education services and products to create a cohesive and streamlined learning experience. GoStudent took the first step in expanding its services by acquiring the all-in-one school communication app Fox Education in September 2021. **Increasing market share in existing geographies**: GoStudent will continue to invest in existing regions with the goal of increasing penetration in areas where tutoring services are highly fragmented and traditionally offline. “Our goal is to disrupt traditional perceptions of the tutoring industry by demonstrating to parents the advantages of choosing a carefully selected online tutor, in turn significantly improving the student learning experience,” says Gregor Müller, Co-Founder and COO at GoStudent. *“GoStudent has built a highly scalable business offering a superb customer experience. The company is creating a leading global platform for K12 education and the speed at which they are growing is impressive,”* commented Fahd Beg, COO, Prosus EdTech. *“We are living through a time when technology is transforming education globally and the inspiring vision of founders like Felix and Gregor will reshape how students learn in the future.”* In 2021, GoStudent expanded to 16 countries, including overseas markets like Canada and Mexico, and opened 19 international office locations. Over the past twelve months, the company has grown its team by +1k employees and +10k tutors and plans to increase its team further by the end of 2022. The number of tutoring sessions booked monthly grew tenfold: while GoStudent recorded 150k tutoring sessions booked per month last January, it surpassed the 1.5M-mark by the end of 2021. Press images can be downloaded [here]( **About GoStudent**: GoStudent is one of the world-leading online tutoring providers and, with a €3BN valuation, Europe’s highest valued EdTech company. GoStudent was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Currently, GoStudent is serving customers in 22 countries. Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition to primary, secondary and college-aged students in 30+ subjects, using a membership model. Various investors such as Prosus and SoftBank Vision Fund 2 have already invested a total of +590 million euros in the rapidly growing platform. GoStudent employs more than 1,300 people and works with +15,000 tutors. Over 1.5M tutoring sessions are booked each month. Learn more here: **About Prosus**: Prosus is a global consumer internet group and one of the largest technology investors in the world. Operating and investing globally in markets with long-term growth potential, Prosus builds leading consumer internet companies that empower people and enrich communities. The group is focused on building meaningful businesses in the online classifieds, food delivery, payments and fintech, and education technology sectors. Through the Prosus Ventures team, the group invests in new technology growth opportunities within logistics, fintech, health, blockchain, social and ecommerce platforms, agriculture and more. The team actively backs exceptional entrepreneurs who are using technology to improve people’s everyday lives. Each month, more than 2 billion customers across the globe use the products and services of companies that Prosus has invested in, acquired or built. To find out more, please visit **Media contact**: Kristina Bassett I UK/IE PR & Communications at GoStudent M: +44 786 914 3214 I E: [email protected]

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London , 30 November 2021 GoStudent Education Report United Kingdom - Four in Five Children in Britain Deeply Concerned About Their Education With Maths Hit Hardest

## Following a Year of Disrupted Learning, Four in Five Children in Britain Deeply Concerned About Their Education With Maths Hit Hardest ### GoStudent Education Report United Kingdom #### According to research conducted by GoStudent and Kantar, interviewing 12,000 parents and children across Europe and the UK, children from less affluent households most concerned about catching up. *London, 30th of November 2021* - According to a report released today by online tutoring provider, [GoStudent](, nearly four in five children in the UK (79%) feel that remote learning significantly disrupted their education and development. Maths was the worst hit, with 27% of the 12-18 year-olds surveyed citing learning gaps, followed by English (20%), while History (11%) was the least disrupted subject. Interviewing 12,000 children and parents across the UK, Austria, Germany, France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Italy, in collaboration with data research company Kantar, this report provides the most exhaustive analysis of how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted education to date. The findings show that in Britain especially, learning gaps and a lack of educational confidence were more prevalent amongst children from lower-income households. This disparity is only exacerbated by the cost of private tutoring, with a tutoring session costing more in the UK (£28) than in any of the seven countries analysed (the average cost being £21, with the Netherlands cheapest at £13 per session). **Key Findings:** - The majority of both parents (77%) and children (79%) in Britain believe the pandemic has posed significant educational and developmental challenges. - Children in the UK cited ‘maintaining a social connection’ (52%), ‘understanding subject material online’ (45%), and ‘concentrating in an online classroom environment’ (44%) as the three key challenges to their learning during the last academic year. - Children are more optimistic for the future - only 15% believe they will struggle to catch up during this academic year, whereas 60% of parents feel learning gaps might continue into the new academic year. - 46% of children from higher-income households (£4,000+ PCM) expect they will catch up on pandemic-related learning gaps, which is more than double the number (21%) from lower-income households (£1,999- PCM) who expect to catch up. - Tutoring is more expensive in the UK (£28 per session) than in any of the countries studied. The average cost was £21, with the Netherlands cheapest at £13 per session. Tutoring costs £24 per session in Germany, £27 in France, and £17 in Spain. **Felix Ohswald, co-founder and CEO of GoStudent**, comments, *“After over a year of mandatory periods of homeschooling, the education system has been put under enormous strain. Teachers, children and parents alike have shown remarkable resilience. Our goal is to innovate education, making it as accessible and as useful as possible. We will use these learnings to better understand how we can support children across Europe and, by replicating this study annually, we hope to identify trends in education and learning that will benefit students and teachers alike. It will take time for us to measure the full impact of the pandemic’s disruption to our children’s development. Looking at the findings, children in Britain seem optimistic for the future, which is great, but the learning gaps appearing in vital subjects like Maths and English are a real cause for concern.”* #### Extended Findings **Demographic Findings:** Learning gaps grow based on income. In General Science, 18% of children from low-income households experienced a learning gap, but this was only the case for 7% of children from high-income households. In English, these figures were 25% and 12% respectively. Learning gaps were most prevalent among children living in large cities, with 37% experiencing gaps in more than one subject, compared to only 29% of children in rural areas. Boys are more optimistic about catching up - 33% think the learning gap won’t continue into next year, compared to 29% of girls. Girls reported a greater lack of social connection (56%) than boys (48%) because of the pandemic. **Technology Findings:** Only 67% of children preferred to learn in-person in a classroom, compared to online or a hybrid approach. 13% of children preferred online-only education. Only 33% of parents in Britain were in favour of Artificial Intelligence being used in education, the least of any country. The European average was 40%, and Spanish parents were the most in favour (55%). **Tutoring Findings:** Children who received private tutoring during the last academic year were two times more optimistic that they will catch up this year compared to those who weren't tutored. 65% of tutoring received in the UK was focused on catching up in Maths Children in Britain feel they spend an average of 19 hours a week in educational activities outside of the classroom. Girls feel they spend slightly more (20 hours) than boys (18 hours). Children in Britain feel the benefit of private tutoring more than others - 96% said they found value in tutoring outside of class hours, compared to only 85% of European children. Of parents choosing tutoring for their children, 27% cited as a main motivating factor the lockdown’s impact on their child’s ability and motivation to learn. **Press photos and infographics** can be downloaded [here]( You can download the **results of the GoStudent education report for the United Kingdom** [here]( You can download the **European results of the GoStudent education report** [here]( Visit our **interactive website with various filter and comparison options** [here]( **About the GoStudent Education Report:** The [GoStudent Education Report]( examines parents’ and students' experiences with education, including schooling and tutoring, over the last academic year. The report was created by the online tutoring provider [GoStudent]( in collaboration with the independent market research institute [Kantar Market Research](, and features representative data collected from 12,000 participants in seven European countries. GoStudent aims to publish the Education Report on an annual basis to identify changes and trends in education from the perspectives of children and their parents. **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is a platform for online teaching and is the future of tutoring. The EdTech company was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Currently, GoStudent is operational in 22 markets. Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition to primary, secondary and college-aged students in 30+ subjects, using a membership model. GoStudent employs more than 1,000 people and has opened 18 international offices. Over 950,000 tutoring units are booked each month. Currently, GoStudent works with +11,000 international tutors. To date, GoStudent has raised more than €291m. Investors include Left Lane Capital, DN Capital, Coatue and DST Global. Learn more on []( **Contact:** Nick Baines, Nara Communications l [email protected] l (+44) 07760 166 004

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Vienna , 30 November 2021 GoStudent international Education Report - Children suffered more from challenges caused by the pandemic than pareants were aware of

## GoStudent publishes its first international Education Report ### 80% affected - Children suffered more from challenges caused by the pandemic than parents were aware of - Biggest challenge for children was the lack of social connections (60%) - Children are more pessimistic about closing learning gaps than parents - The largest learning gaps occurred in Maths (30%) despite Maths being the most tutored subject (64%) - Almost half of the time spent on education was online last year - Children spent an average of 18 hours a week on education outside of class time, five hours more than parents thought *Vienna, November 30th 2021:* In the first Education Report published by the online tutoring provider [GoStudent](, in collaboration with [Kantar Market Research](, the areas of learning, online learning, and tutoring behaviour, from the perspectives of both parents and children in Europe, are examined. This year’s report features a dedicated section on “learning in a pandemic world”, exploring how parents and their children see challenges and the severity of learning gaps differently. The data for the report was acquired by an online survey (CAWI) conducted in seven European markets, including: The UK, Spain, Italy, France, The Netherlands, Germany and Austria. In total, 6,276 parents and 5,767 children¹, aged between 10 and 18, were surveyed from October 1 to 16, 2021. **Learning in a pandemic world: The biggest challenge for kids was the lack of social connections.** 80 percent of the children surveyed experienced challenges in the last school year. They suffered most from a lack of social connection (60%), followed by difficulty concentrating in an online classroom environment (36%) and difficulty understanding subject material online (26%). The results of the survey showed that parents saw these challenges as less severe than their children. Girls (62%) suffered slightly more from a lack of social contact than boys (59%). This problem was perceived as the worst amongst children in Italy (70%). **Children are more pessimistic about overcoming learning gaps than their parents.** Almost half of the surveyed children recognised learning gaps in one or more subjects. The highest amount of learning gaps were experienced by boys between the ages of 13-15, who have employed parents. While 41% of parents think that the learning gaps caused by the pandemic won’t continue, only ⅓ of kids are confident that they will catch-up this academic year. The largest learning gaps occurred in Maths (30%), followed by English (18%). While boys experienced more severe learning gaps, they were also more optimistic about their ability to close them during the current academic year. 37% of boys believe that the learning gaps will not continue, vs. 33% of girls. Children who receive tutoring (46%) are more likely to believe that they will catch up than those who don’t (31%). **Education Wellbeing index²: Fathers felt better than Mothers, kids felt worse than their parents realised.** Overall, fathers / male caregivers (73) had a higher Education Wellbeing Index compared to mothers / female caregivers (70). Fathers scored higher than mothers across all wellbeing attributes, except the interaction with their children on schoolwork. Children rated their Educational Wellbeing Index (64) lower than their parents (69) rated them. In general, boys felt better than girls, scoring higher in satisfaction with school grades, motivation to do schoolwork and confidence at school. **Parents and their children's education: The more involved, the more satisfied.** Parents who have higher involvement with their child's education, are more satisfied with their school performance. The average Parental Involvement Index³ was 69, parents with an index above 80 also scored higher in the parental satisfaction score⁴ (4.2 out of 5). Comparing countries, parents in Spain were most involved in their children’s education and Austrian parents the least. When it comes to the satisfaction of parents with their children’s performance in school, parents in France were the most satisfied, and parents in Germany the least. **Almost half of the time spent on education was online last year.** 9 out of 10 kids experienced online learning during the last academic year, and almost half of their time spent on education was online last year. Germany had the highest online learning ratio⁵ of 56 % and Spain the lowest with 33%. On average, children spent 18 hours a week on education outside of class time⁶, 5 hours more than parents thought. Girls spent one hour more per week on learning outside of class time (18 hours) than boys (17 hours). Children in Italy spent the most time learning outside of school (21 hours) and children in the Netherlands spent the least time on studying outside of school (14 hours). **Acceptance and use of Artificial intelligence (AI) in education is still in its infancy.** Only 18 % of parents stated that schools offered techniques around adaptive learning⁷ and AI during classes. Only 5% of parents provide AI-based learning tools for their children to study with outside of school. While more than half of parents in Spain are in favour of using AI in their child’s education, France and the UK bring up the rear, with only ⅓ of parents in favour. According to parents, AI-based learning should be implemented to create learning environments based on children's needs (62%), rather than to track the performance of children. **Even though 85% of children see the value of having a tutor, only 16% of them received tutoring during the last school year.** However, ⅓ of parents intend to provide tutoring for their children during this school year. The top reasons for children to have a tutor are to receive a better understanding of a subject (60%), to get better grades (48%) and the ability to ask questions (40%). The top reasons for parents to get a tutor for their children are to receive help on a subject and to boost their children's motivation and ability to learn during school lockdown. The reasons for parents to choose online over offline tutoring for their children are that it saves time (39%), is cost-effective (35%), provides interactive learning features (34%) and offers children a flexible learning schedule (34%). Children who received tutoring were more open to online and a mix of online and in-person tutoring (43%). For parents, the most important trait of a tutor is reliability (70%), followed by subject knowledge (67%) and, when it comes to soft skills, parents rate the importance of a respectful relationship (59%) and the motivation of the child (58%) most highly. The average price of one tutoring session is 25 Euro, while the Netherlands have the cheapest cost of tutoring (15.5 Euro). Getting a tutor in the United Kingdom is the most expensive (33.5 Euro) across the countries surveyed in Europe. *“GoStudent’s mission is to innovate education, making it as accessible and relatable as possible for current and future generations. We see it as our responsibility to keep exploring and assessing how education is changing, so that we can offer the very best support. The GoStudent Education report provides a comprehensive overview of how parents and students across Europe perceive their children's or their own education, including attitudes towards schooling and tutoring, and we hope these learnings will be valuable not only to us, but more broadly, too. With this report, which we aim to publish on an annual basis, we want to uncover the trends that are shaping how we learn, and make them widely accessible.”* says Felix Ohswald, CEO and co-founder of GoStudent. *“For the GoStudent Education Report we created indexes that measure several factors and enable us to compare them between countries and demographic profiles within countries. For example, the Parental Education Wellbeing Index indicates how well parents felt about supporting their children in school matters. Our aim is to measure these scores over a period of time and to discover which dynamics in the educational sphere will affect them”*, says Esra Dalgic, Market Research Expert at GoStudent. **Press photos and infographics** can be downloaded [here]( You can download the European results of the GoStudent education report [here]( **Media contact:** Stefanie Möllner, Global Head of Public Relations & Communications, [email protected] **About the GoStudent Education Report:** The [GoStudent Education Report]( examines parents’ and students' experiences with education, including schooling and tutoring, over the last academic year. The report was created by the online tutoring provider GoStudent in collaboration with the independent market research institute Kantar Research, and features representative data collected from 12,000 participants in seven European countries. GoStudent aims to publish the Education Report on an annual basis to identify changes and trends in education from the perspectives of children and their parents. **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is a platform for online teaching and is the future of tutoring. The EdTech company was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Currently, GoStudent is operational in 22 markets. Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition to primary, secondary and college-aged students in 30+ subjects, using a membership model. GoStudent employs more than 1,000 people and has opened 18 international offices. Over 950,000 tutoring units are booked each month. Currently, GoStudent works with +11,000 international tutors. To date, GoStudent has raised more than €291m. Investors include Left Lane Capital, DN Capital, Coatue and DST Global. Learn more on []( **Footnotes** ¹Gender Split: 14 out of 5767 children aged 10-18 that participated in the survey responded that they identify as non-binary. These findings have been omitted, as the figures are not large enough (0.4% in total) in each market to offer a representative sample. This data can, however, be shared on request. ²Parent Educational Wellbeing Index: defines the degree to which parents felt positive about themselves in relation to their children’s education. Children Educational Wellbeing Index: combines how children felt about their education from a parents’ perspective, as well as from the children's own perspectives. ³Parental Involvement Index: This index shows how involved parents were with their children’s education. ⁴Parental Satisfaction Score: defines how satisfied parents were with their child’s school performance. ⁵Online Learning Index: describes the number of children who experienced online learning during the last academic year. ⁶The class time includes in-school as well as online-classes at home conducted by the school. ⁷Adaptive Learning: is defined as a way of learning by the use of online programs that enable interactive learning via a data-driven and AI-based (artificial intelligence) approach that adjusts pace and exercises according to responses and ability.

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United Kingdom , 22 June 2021 GoStudent becomes Europe’s newest Ed-Tech unicorn at a €1.4B valuation

€205M Investment in Series C **GoStudent achieves unicorn status, securing its position as the highest valued K12 Ed-Tech company in Europe** - €205M Series C investment was led by new investor DST Global - GoStudent hits this milestone achievement less than 2.5 years after finding its current business model - Each month GoStudent books more than 400k tutoring sessions and grows by 700% year-on-year **Vienna / London June 22nd, 2021:** Vienna-based Ed-Tech scale-up [GoStudent](, which provides one-to-one video-based online tutoring, has hit unicorn status less than 2.5 years after finding its current business model, following a successful Series C funding round of €205M. This comes just months after the completion of GoStudent’s €70M Series B round in March 2021. The Series C investment is led by DST Global with participation from additional new investors including SoftBank Vision Fund 2, Tencent, Dragoneer and existing investors Coatue, Left Lane Capital and DN Capital. The trust and enthusiasm of both new and existing investors indicates a strong conviction in the continued exponential growth of the online education scale-up, and the global need for online and accessible tutor-led learning. With a valuation of €1.4B GoStudent becomes the highest valued K12 Ed-Tech company in Europe to date. With the additional financing, GoStudent's total amount raised comes to +€291M. The investment will primarily be used to further drive global expansion. With a presence in 15 countries, GoStudent will continue to strengthen its position as the market leader for K12 online tutoring in Europe. Over the past months, the rapidly-growing Ed-Tech company has expanded its team to more than 500 employees and has opened 12 offices, including new locations in Athens, Istanbul and Amsterdam. In addition to further developing its presence in Europe, GoStudent will also be expanding overseas, and plans to launch in Mexico and Canada this summer. The scale-up will also invest in branding, product development and first acquisitions. GoStudent grows approximately 30% month-over-month and books +400,000 tutoring sessions each month. By the end of 2021, GoStudent aims to be present in over 20 countries across the globe and will double its team to more than 1,000 employees and 10,000 tutors. Felix Ohswald, co-founder and CEO of GoStudent comments: *“At the heart of GoStudent is our mission to build the No. 1 Global School. The new investment and the resulting opportunities for continued international growth bring us one step closer to fulfilling our mission.”* Gregor Müller, co-founder, and COO of GoStudent added: *“We are thrilled to receive such support from both existing and new investors as we continue on our mission to revolutionise education worldwide. By connecting every student with their ideal teacher we solve the fundamental problem of lacking access to top teachers and, in turn, we make affordable, hiqh-quality education widely available.”* **Press images can be downloaded [here](** **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is a platform for online teaching and is the future of tutoring. The EdTech company was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO). Currently, GoStudent is operational in 15 markets. Via its platform, GoStudent provides paid, one-to-one, video-based tuition to primary, secondary and college-aged students in 20+ subjects, using a membership model. Various investors such as Left Lane Capital, DN Capital, Coatue and DST Global have already invested a total of 291 million euros in the rapidly growing platform. GoStudent employs more than 500 people, works with 5,500 tutors and has opened 12 international offices. Over 400,000 tutoring units are booked each month. **Media contact:** Kristina Bassett I UK/IE PR & Communications Manager [email protected] +44 7780 452 659

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Vienna , 30 March 2021 Ed-tech company GoStudent hit a €70M investment in Series B round

- €70M investment raised by lead-investor Coatue (NY) and existing investors Leftlane Capital (NY) and DN Capital (London) - GoStudent grows by 30% month-over-month on average - GoStudent has a market presence in 10 countries - +250k tutoring sessions are booked every month **Vienna, March 30, 2021:** Vienna-based e-learning start-up GoStudent completed Series B round led by the new investor Coatue together with existing partners Left Lane Capital and DN Capital. With the total investment of €70M GoStudent becomes the highest funded consumer-facing K12 education start-up in Europe. The new investment was landed only 4 months after the increase of the Series A. In 2020 GoStudent received a total funding of €13.3M. The trust of the existing and new investors indicates a strong conviction in the continued exponential growth of the online education start-up. **Investment for further bold growth plans and expansions** The financing will be used to further drive the internationalization of GoStudent, advancing the presence in significant tutoring markets such as France, Spain, Italy, the UK, and Ireland. Turkey and Greece will be launched in the first half of 2021 amongst other countries. In addition, GoStudent will invest highly in branding and product improvement. By the end of the year, GoStudent aims to be present in at least 15 countries across Europe and grow its team to +800 employees and +10,000 tutors. Felix Ohswald, co-founder and CEO of GoStudent said about the series B investment: “The series B investment makes us the best-funded consumer K12 education start-up in Europe! We are thrilled to receive such high confidence from existing and new investors on our way to revolutionize education worldwide. Our growth targets this year are enormous - the investment of 70 million euros will enable us to position GoStudent as the top player in Europe for making high-quality education widely accessible.” Gregor Müller, co-founder, and COO of GoStudent added: “Conquering Europe is only the first step. Our mission is to build the No. 1 Global School to help every student unlock their full potential. Thus, our mid-term goal is to become the largest education company in the world.” **GoStudent is European market leader in online tutoring** With +250,000 tutoring sessions booked monthly and a market presence in 10 European countries, GoStudent has meanwhile grown to become the market leader in revenue for K-12 online tutoring in Europe. Over the past months, GoStudent has expanded its team to +300 employees and opened up new offices in Lyon, London, Madrid, Dusseldorf, Berlin and Milan. New offices in Athens, Istanbul and Amsterdam will be opened in the second quarter of 2021. Laura Warnier, Chief Growth Officer of GoStudent on the importance of spreading the online tutoring of GoStudent across Europe said: “By connecting every student with the ideal teacher we solve a significant problem. Especially this year - while we have not yet overcome the pandemic - we will be an important partner for parents to fight the educational deficits of their children caused by school lockdowns and inefficient homeschooling across Europe. By the end of 2021, we aim to offer our tutoring services in +15 countries!” “It’s been an exciting journey as an investor to see GoStudent expand so elegantly across Europe, offering affordable yet high-quality education to the masses. The pace at which they’re executing is extraordinary,” said Harley Miller, Managing Partner at Left Lane Capital and board member of GoStudent. “GoStudent is spearheading the European ed-tech movement in what has been a highly-fragmented, traditionally offline market,” Vinny Pujji, Partner at Left Lane Capital and board member of GoStudent added. “We believe that GoStudent can be the dominant winner in online tutoring in Europe, by leveraging technology GoStudent democratizes quality education to all.” said Nenad Marovac, Managing Partner & CEO at DN Capital and board member of GoStudent. “The demand for the company’s product has been proven given the lightning speed of growth that the company is experiencing, over 800% in 2020.” **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is a digital learning platform for online education and the future of tutoring, connecting students with the best teachers worldwide for individual tutoring sessions. The ed-tech start-up was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO) and is operated in the DACH-Region, as well as in Spain, France, Belgium and Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Ireland and Italy. On the platform, GoStudent offers paid individual courses for all school subjects to students of all ages using a membership model. The data-driven startup uses AI to support its rigorous tutor selection, onboarding processes and quality assurance of the tutoring sessions. So, the best possible tutor is matched with each student. Investors such as Coatue, Left Lane Capital, DN Capital and Speedinvest have already invested a total of 86 Million Euros. GoStudent employs +300 people at its offices in Vienna, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Lyon, Madrid, London and Milan. Monthly, over 250,000 tutoring lessons are booked. **About Coatue:** Coatue is one of the largest technology investment platforms in the world with ~$40 billion in assets under management. Its dedicated team of engineers and data scientists work closely with investment professionals to add value to founders and executive teams in our portfolio. With venture, growth and public funds, Coatue backs entrepreneurs from around the globe and at every stage of growth. Some of Coatue’s private investments have included Airtable, Anaplan, ByteDance, Chime, Databricks, DoorDash, Instacart, Meituan, Snap, Snowflake and Spotify. **About Left Lane Capital:** Left Lane Capital is a New York-based venture capital and growth equity firm, investing in high-growth consumer internet and technology companies that build lasting relationships with customers. Investing in Series A, B and C stage companies, the firm aims to partner with extraordinary entrepreneurs creating category-defining businesses that are fundamental to the human condition and spirit. **About DN Capital** DN Capital is a leading European early stage venture capital firm with operations in London, Berlin and Silicon Valley. The firm focuses on Seed, Series A and select Series B investments in software, fintech, marketplace, consumer internet and digital health companies. DN Capital’s mission is to support entrepreneurs in creating global category leaders. DN was an early backer in companies such as Shazam, Endeca, Auto1, GoStudent, Jobandtalent, Mister Spex, Hometogo, OLX, Remitly and Quandoo. **Media contact:** Stefanie Möllner I Head of PR & Communications [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) +43 660 1776552

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Vienna , 13 January 2021 5 years, 5 countries - online tutoring company GoStudent continues its growth in Europe

Vienna, Jan. 13, 2021 - The Austrian ed-tech startup GoStudent further expands its online tutoring service across Europe. On January 21, GoStudent will not only celebrate its fifth anniversary, but will also expand its online tutoring service, which started in the DACH region, to five additional European markets. After launching Belgium, France and Spain last year, GoStudent will expand to England, Ireland, Italy, Greece and the Netherlands in the first quarter of 2021. Also, GoStudent will open its third international office in Madrid soon. **Online tutoring boom** GoStudent's digital learning platform brings students of all ages together with carefully selected teachers in a virtual one-on-one classroom setting. The fact that this digital education offer is very popular with many parents motivates the founders Felix Ohswald (25) and Gregor Müller (27) to continue the rapid growth. In 2020 GoStudent quadrupled their team to 160 employees. At the end of last year, more than 150,000 online sessions were booked per month. The customer base grew to more than 8000 parents. Investor confidence was also high - GoStudent received 13.3 million euros in investment last year. "If you consider that we are already the market leader for online tutoring in the DACH region with a market penetration of only 0.5 percent, you realize what enormous potential can still be unlocked", says Felix Ohswald. **From five to fifteen** The opening of GoStudent's third international office in Madrid (after Vienna and Lyon) and the expansion of the service to five more countries is just the beginning. Laura Warnier, Chief Growth Officer at GoStudent and responsible for internationalisation, gives an outlook on the growth targets for this year: "By the end of 2021, we want to expand our online tutoring services to fifteen countries. Our team will become even more international and probably number around 800 employees by the end of the year.” **100 open positions in the first quarter 2021** In the first quarter of 2021, the GoStudent team will grow by 100 additional positions. Employees are being recruited in the areas of sales, marketing and human resources, among others. Click here for the job offers. **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is a digital learning platform and the future of tutoring. The ed-tech company was founded in Vienna in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (COO) and is operated in the DACH-Region, as well as in Spain, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, England and Ireland. On the platform, GoStudent offers paid individual online-video courses for all school subjects. Investors such as Speedinvest, Left Lane Capital and DN Capital have already invested a total of 16 Million Euros in GoStudent. GoStudent employs +180 people at their Vienna and Lyon locations. Monthly, over 150 000 tutoring lessons are booked. GoStudent currently has about 8000 clients and 2000 tutors. **Press contact:** Stefanie Möllner I PR & Communications Manager [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) I M: +43 660 177 65 52

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Vienna , 18 November 2020 Internationally expanding E-learning Startup GoStudent increased Series A Funding to €13.3 Million

- Left Lane Capital and DN Capital invested an additional €5M in the Series A round, increasing total Series A investment to €13.3M - GoStudent has grown 7x since the beginning of 2020 - +100k tutoring sessions are booked on a monthly basis **Vienna 18.11.20:** Vienna-based e-learning start-up GoStudent successfully topped up the Series A round, led by Left Lane Capital and DN Capital, by another €5M. The increase in investment since the initial Series A funding in June 2020 indicates strong conviction in the continued growth of the online education start-up. **Rapid expansion across Europe** Since the early summer, GoStudent has expanded from the DACH region to other key European markets including France, Belgium, Luxembourg and Spain, with imminent plans to extend its footprint across Europe. GoStudent operates an affordable digital school connecting students with the best teachers worldwide for individual tutoring sessions. The company offers 6, 12, and 24-month tutoring subscription packages to students of all ages. The company provides software tools to both students and teachers, allowing each party to focus entirely on teaching, tutoring, and learning, while removing the burden of all tedious administrative tasks. The data-driven startup uses AI to support its rigorous tutor selection and onboarding processes, ensuring that the best possible tutor is matched with each student. GoStudent also offers a free social homework chat where students can discuss their questions with others in an easy and safe environment. **Investment in the future of education** GoStudent has shown impressive growth over the last couple years – not only just amidst the Covid-19 pandemic – highlighting the need and use-case for an accessible and extensive digital learning platform. The company was solving a fundamental problem in online education in the DACH region prior to the pandemic, but also stands to be a clear category winner as the global education system returns to normal. GoStudent currently books 100k+ monthly sessions across its customer base with 2,000+ active tutors on the platform. The financing will be used primarily to expand the geographic footprint of GoStudent beyond its current core markets. “We are thrilled that our lead investors believe that GoStudent is a smart investment for the future of education and decided to double down on their investment. During the current crisis, GoStudent became an eye-opener for parents across Europe and showed that online tutoring is the key to making high quality education widely accessible. Because our customers are not locally bound to tutoring services anymore, kids of all backgrounds and ages can be connected to exclusively the best tutors through our virtual classroom. GoStudent has earned the support from over 8,000 clients so far.” says Ohswald. “We are honored to expand our partnership with such mission-driven and humble entrepreneurs. GoStudent has already expanded from the DACH region and will soon be helping students all across Europe”, said Harley Miller, Managing Partner at Left Lane Capital. “GoStudent’s high quality, yet affordable solution is bringing many students into the world of online education for the first time. They have the opportunity to spearhead the European ed-tech movement in what has been a highly-fragmented, traditionally offline market,” says Vinny Pujji, Partner at Left Lane Capital, who will join as an additional board member for Left Lane. “GoStudent is expanding across Europe at lightning speed while maintaining a strong focus on superior learning outcomes. We continue to be impressed by the quality of the team and are excited to double down on GoStudent as they emerge as the winner in online tutoring in Europe”, says Nenad Marovac, Managing Partner & CEO at DN Capital, who has also joined the Board of Directors."”, says Nenad Marovac, Managing Partner & CEO at DN Capital, who has also joined the Board of Directors. **About GoStudent:** GoStudent is a digital learning platform for online teaching and the future of tutoring. GoStudent has 130+ full-time employees in the Vienna and Lyon offices. The ed-tech start-up was founded in 2016 by Felix Ohswald (CEO) and Gregor Müller (CCO) in Vienna and is active in the DACH area, Spain, France, Belgium and Luxembourg. Via its platform, GoStudent offers paid individual lessons. Classes are taught on computers or mobile devices. The students and teachers see and hear each other live in a virtual room. GoStudent supports integrated functions such as the digital blackboard and screen sharing, and individual learning plans are created and tailored for each student. GoStudent offers courses for all school subjects, and the tutors are typically graduate students and teachers with expertise in the respective subject. Investors including SpeedInvest, Left Lane Capital and DN Capital have invested a total of €16M in the rapidly growing ed-tech platform so far. **About Left Lane Capital:** Left Lane Capital is a New York-based venture capital and growth equity firm, investing in high-growth consumer internet and technology companies that build lasting relationships with customers. Investing in Series A, B and C stage companies, the firm aims to partner with extraordinary entrepreneurs creating category-defining business that are fundamental to the human condition and spirit. **About DN Capital** DN Capital is a leading European early stage venture capital firm with operations in London, Berlin and Silicon Valley. The firm focuses on Seed, Series A and select Series B investments in software, fintech, marketplace, consumer internet and digital health companies. DN Capital’s mission is to support entrepreneurs in creating global category leaders. Some of DN’s top performing companies include: Shazam (sold to Apple), Endeca (sold to Oracle), Auto1 (Europe’s largest used-car marketplace), OLX (sold to Naspers), Remitly (North America’s largest independent digital remittance platform) and Quandoo (sold to Recruit). **Media contacts:** Stefanie Möllner I PR & Communications Manager Go Student [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Leftlane Capital I [[email protected]]([email protected])

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